I love to talk about Space and Astronomy with others! Over the last years I have become more involved in public outreach and found that the curiosity for what's out there is present in almost every human being. While most of the outreach I've done so far was in my mother tongue (German), I am comfortable in speaking English as well, as most communication with my colleagues is in English anyway. I also try to encourage young people, especially girls, to pursue a career in the STEM disciplines.
I am always looking for new possibilities to give people an understanding of our Universe, therefore please feel free to get in contact with me. I have given a few talks on Youtube (both in German and English), you can check them out further down on this page. Here is a list of what else I've been doing so far:
- Astronomy on Tap [Köln, Bonn, Saint Louis] (since 2020)
- Virtual meetings with classes and/or families via the Skype a Scientist initiative (since 2020)
- Mentoring as part of the CyberMentor program (2020)
- Regular guided tours at the Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory (2016-2020)
- Girls' Day at FAU (2018-2021)
- Mädchen/Jugend & Technik at FAU (2016-2021)
- 2-week lecture for pupils at the Schülerakademie Papenburg - Topic: 'Multi-wavelength Astronomy' (2017)